Lake Katherine

Lake Katherine

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

BUSHABOUT -Cape York to Alderley Station

0640hrs on the road, picked up tent pole on the way out on the Mutee road – good time to the Jardine Ferry, 0805hrs – Ferry operator arrived 0840hrs (0800 – 1700hrs ferry operates – Ha!) Stopped 40 ks down the road for breakfast, where I found a  Nissan Bonnet protector that fits Chooks vehicle.

We let the folks lined up behind us onto the ferry as we take up the entire ferry - method in my madness = Yes, I won't have to endue their dust when they all barrel past down the track.

Yep! we take up the entire ferry.
Chook's bonnet protector tree
Bramwell Road House rego. plate tree

20ks before Billy’s Land turn off – water tank from camper trailed, mounting plate only held in by 3 tech screws. 

Avg. 35k’s 1st thru 4th gear to Billy’s Landing the road improved to Bramwell Junction – 40ks Avg. Yak to folks there and bloke on motor cycle, good riding up the old track. Gave him a tip on the Dixie Mitchell River track all good to go and a massive short cut.  Late lunch egg and bacon burger, served as dinner as well.

Good road from Bramwell Station t/o to camp at the Telegraph Road junction, no traffic during the night – avg improved to 44.1kph, 7hrs 16mins and 315k’s – ENOUGH for the day!!

These folks got a surprise Morton Telegraph Station
0620hrs on the road – no traffic and hour and 20 to Archer River = breakfast

After Archer River to Musgrave road improved and only 5 vehicle on the last 100k stretch.

Always a battle in the tropic with early morning departures - Dew wet, gota' keep the UHF # visible - very handy for on coming and passing traffic
This semi trailer load seen better days
Coen - Dump point and water top up - Sue's trying to control the leaky hose (Non-Potable water)
Had to check these out - salt lick's for the cattle

After Archer River to Musgrave road improved and soon onto the Dixie Mitchell road – only 5 vehicles on the 100k stretch we did today.
Termite mound - North South orientation
Gravel Pit – S15 24 252 E 142 57  751 
343k's, VAG. 48.3kph - 7hr 13min drive time 
Tuna steaks for tea

0640hrs on the road – checked out Alice River – this will do us for the day = 58k’s - Magic spot to relax and wind down

All set up and red claw pot in and a Barra line in the water by 1000hrs – three runs on the Barra line, caught some live bait in the traps.

Fresh water croc
Sleepy Cod

Birds every where. The local bird population going nuts for 2 seconds, then what sounded like a jet whizzed overhead, and put on the air brakes down the river behind a sand bank, only got a glimpse of a big bunch of feathers. 10 minutes later a White Breasted Sea Eagle flew past with an large fish 12 – 18” and land on a tree bough and promptly started to devour the fish. Several visitors during his 1.5hr meal. Three Whistling Kite waiting, as soon and the eagle left the fish it was gone in a flash.

Whilst all this happening and the camera being recharged – a Dingo padded past on the over side of the river, and a Goanna wandered past behind me, along with fresh water croc’s and fish slashes every few minutes it was all happening.


Pot in over night, soaked a bait for at least 10 hrs, suspect a Dart / Snake Head Cormorant had a go at my live bait, how ever never saw the Dart near my line, so who know’s. Caught a Sleepy Cod in one of the pots.

Morning will tell if we stay another night – full of red claw!!

Check the pots – 4 Cherabin and 2 small cat fish,
pack on our way by 0635hrs.

Main troop of pigs already into the grass

Campers at the Mitchell River crossing so kept going, plus it would have been boiling hot sitting there all day!!
Yep! on the right track - Dunbar, Normanton
More pigs
Road corrugations

Breakfast down the road and found a 14mm socket 
on the side of the road, in the middle of no-where.

Steady on to the Gilbert 202k’s enough. Work light with blown globe at a previous BF camp in the grass.


Cattle transport road train. Slow this season, but next year over 50,000 head of cattle will be moved out of the area

Evening sun set stroll across the bridge – cat fish by the dozen, and a FULL MOON – neat! Got Sue covered up for the stroll and no bities!!
Another dust find

The 'BIG' and 'Small' of it all
0500hrs coffee, 0600hrs on the road with spot lights on, 
3 near misses = no road kills = BUGGER, we have
 room in the fridge for a tail and a leg or two.

Pig hunters at Burke and Wills RH

Inflate right rear tire down to 24psi. Going down faster than yesterday only getting 50 – 60k’s and down to 40psi. Breakfast at Burke & Wills RH. Pig hunters with Polaris on trailer heading home – 92 pigs, some big tuskers.
 Mine trucks from Dugal River to Challange mine near Lawn Hill for processing - trailing. Zink, Nickel, Lead and Silver – 20 year life of mine open cut and underground.

Karamuba t/o inflate tires – right rear on vehicle going down slowly, suspect pin hole in the rim. 

Changed out tire at our next camp down the road 

 Photo's of FOUND STUFF, on the Normanton to to Cape York roads via Mitchell River crossing, all good STUFF

Handy bucket
Tent pole
Vehicle wash down sponge

Tent guy rope, and wooden tensioner
Water container cap with tap
Sheet of Galvanized iron - come in handy one day
Top left teck screw sheared off - tank still full of water
Teck screw with only 1-1/2 threads holding it.
Full water jerry
Good size lunch box - alsa no food inside

 Dunny casset slide behind the Dump Ezy

Off early 0650hrs with a stiff tail breeze to Cloncurry. Woollies and get bread and eggs, kept trucking. Corrella Dam gate locked, checked out next RA, Reggie and Margaret pulled in for coffee break and wait for their friends. Had  a good chat and caught up on all the gossip from King Ash Bay – Jenny Flats.

In Mt Isa to get the Troopy 90,000k service, and 
who should roll into town - Bill & Luba - fellow 
campers at King Ash Bay.

Service done and stocked up again, and tinnie loaded after searing the roll pins, we are off to Lake Katherine

Turn off onto the South Urandandi Road to Carnadotta, Linda Downs and then Lake Katherine – great road, no need to lower the tire pressures, DIRT for 156ks’ and only one vehicle – the POLICE, returning from the Birdsville Races.

The bicycle tree, out in the middle of now where. 
Where did all the bike come from??
Beauty another FLAG for HOB sand hills
Previously camped here - how ever new Station Manager,
 so we obtained permission before we departed Mt Isa
Arrived around 1700hrs  -It’s BEER O’Clock – 257k’s for day.
It's beer o'clock - the camp set up can wait - 
we have the Lake to our selves, 
and parked in the best spot = it's level!
It's the year of the 'CATS - last time we camped here 
(2011) it was the years of the RAT'S.
More on the CATS later
Up early and into it, relocated all the timber from the other unused camp site, star pickets and sheet of iron 
– set up full camp by 1100hrs.
Lunch and then launch the tinnie, mid afty set the 
red claw pots with dog biscuits. Good days effort – 
but bloody hot = 40 degrees.

Another bloke on his own pulled into the other camp spot – George and Rat – The Dog!! George is local from Mt Isa.  George was here 8 weeks ago and pulled over 800 red claw out.

From Mt Isa. Good chat and picked his brain about local locations etc.

Good timing on our part with a load of ready cut fire wood, but to bloody hot to light a fire just yet.
As hot as it get's during the day
 - it's freezing early AM 0630hrs

Cat’s during the night – bugger, rat’s one year now CAT’S. Hundreds according to George.  RC pots only 6 red claw, very disappointing. Later check with George the Lake is being fished out, plus 2 years now the Georgina River has not flowed thus no new stock.
One of the few Red Claw

Good throw
Our tinnie ramp!

Sue landed the 1st Yellow Belly
Mine soon followed - with my new overhead reel - 
Thanks Jim and Carol - had to go all the way to 
Mt Isa - BCF to redeem my gift card
A cat got into my beer cooler on the
 rice brand oil bottle next to the BBQ
Don't fall out, no croc's but the water is FREEZING!
Relocating the red claw pots - only three this morning
Great in the shade with a light breeze, 
it's oppressively warm – let’s say HOT!!

Barcoo Bream for the smoker
Another find - left on the Lake bank
This guy well an truly bogged - called up
 Steve at the Home Stead
Ringers where soon on site and dragged the beast out
Seems to be okay even after a neck stretch.
 But alas next day he was not moving. 
The cattle are extremely stressed as no
 feed and very weak even before they get 
near the shrinking boggy lake edge

Another find on the Daly Douglas road back in April 
- found some row locks in Mt Isa going cheap
Rowed over to check out the CAT'S.  
Georges mates came down a few days ago 
and have a cat trap.
Easier rowing standing up.
Ah! I can use these camp chair legs
Bed Socks, would you believe - BLACK
What's this?

Our hi-tech fish smoker, electric frying pan 
with all the jewellery removed. 
With double tier stainless steel mess
Our morning red claw haul.
Yep! it's still cold in the early AM
Repairs to my Ironing Board legs
Completed bed sock - beauty
Yet more cats
and more smoked fish - Yum!
Cool baby, COOL!
Screw driver set found on the Telegraph road to Cape York

These majestic tree's could tell some stories
Cattle tracks
Rob, George and Rat heading up the Lake

Burnt camp chair repairs to our ironing board. 
Never used for ironing mind you, if it needs ironing 
it's in the Salvo's bin!

One of the better sun set's whilst at Lake Katherine
10 Cats @ $9 a TAIL
The cat trap
On the road 0700hrs – Georges group already departed. 

Called up Steve as we passed the home stead, to thank him and let him know about the 10 cats across the lake = $90 or 2 cartons of BEER!

Lunch at the info ctr coffee shop, down load emails etc.

Steady drive on the Donehue Hwy hard rock to Boulia. 
Pulled up for yet another treasure, 
a good tie down,GRUNT brand
Lunch at the info ctr coffee shop, down load emails etc.

Alderly Stn around 1430hrs – cuppa and catch up a bit, then out helping with the cattle muster all very local.

Stn now has a cell repeater and a wifi system – great more down loading and checking stuff.

New cook Pauline – Frenchie – roast mutton VG!
Got to use / drive the old bull catcher – 
it's seen better days but still goes.

Stn now has a cell repeater and a wifi system
 – great more down loading and checking stuff.

Tea with the station folks, new cook Pauline, or 'Frenchie' as the ringers call her, Yes Pauline is a French Lass.
A great meal – roast mutton.
Thanks one and all.
Mustering bikes - no shortage
Steam tractor

Boring rig
Old Lister from a bygone era
New gen set

Horse is interested in the Wifi
Frank and Rada Blackett - Alderly Station owners

Thanks again for the hospitality - our turn to cook a 
THAI meal next time we visit.

One extreme to the other - from Cape York to the Far West Coast of Eyre Peninsular - beach / surf fishing.
No croc's or sharks to harass us!!
